Sunday, July 27, 2008

Who Is Your Millionaire Mentor ?

If you are working on your dreams, you might be just one
ingredient away from unlocking and unleashing your destiny.

You might be one ingredient away from living your dreams.

You might be one ingredient away from becoming a Millionaire or
Multi-Millionaire or even a Billionaire.

This one ingredient often means the difference between taking
decades to reach your goals or speeding up the pace of
advancement to a matter of weeks or even days.

That one ingredient is a Mentor.

There are seeds of greatness within you right now, but sometimes
it takes the assistance of a Mentor to help them flourish.

I have been blessed to have had many types of mentors throughout
my life, from teachers in grade school, to youth service workers
in my community, to business people who saw something in me and
encouraged me or offered to guide me.

I lived in the same impoverished ghetto as people who went on to
join gangs, drop out of school, become addicted to drugs, and
many of them are no longer with us. They made different choices.
Those people had the same potential within them that I did. But I
had mentors to look up to.

I made a decision as a youth, to search out positive Mentors.
Not just as a one time thing, but as a lifelong mission. And
even though I have gone on to success in mentoring thousands of
people, I still Mentor others and I still seek out Mentors.

When mentors appeared, I embraced them and studied them. I read
what they told me to read, I went where they told me to go and I
did what they told me to do.

Sam Walton said, "Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the
self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves,
it's amazing what they can accomplish."

What makes a great Mentor?

A great Mentor sees more potential in you than you do in

A great Mentor can show you the way and point out things you
might not otherwise see or be aware of. Sometimes weaknesses,
sometimes strengths, sometimes patterns that you unconsciously
practice that hold you back.

A great Mentor believes in you.

A great Mentor inspires you.

A great Mentor knows that the same seeds of greatness that are
inside them are inside you too.

A great Mentor cultivates and nourishes those seeds, they help
you grow.

A great Mentor helps you bridge the gap from where you are now
to where you want to be.

A great Mentor Coaches you to breakthrough your limiting

A great Mentor convinces you to believe you can achieve what
others deem impossible.

A great Mentor brings out the best in you.

Great Mentors do all of this and so much more...

I have been invited to be a part of an amazing new movement to
bring you some of the greatest Mentors of our lifetime. It is
actually one of the most powerful, positive projects I have ever
seen and you can be a part of it too.

If you would like to learn from today's most empowering leaders,
I urge you to head over to and
sign up so you can be part of this incredible experience.

I want you to reach your goals. I want you to live your dreams.
I want you to have access to the BEST Mentors anywhere in the

Everyone needs a mentor to reach the next level.

All you have to do is take the next step.

Live Your Dreams

Jill Koenig, the "Goal Guru' is a Self Made Millionaire. A Best Selling Author, Coach and Motivational Speaker, she is an expert on the subjects of Goal Setting, Time Management and Business Success. She is the host of the Millionaire Mentor Radio Show. Her passion in life is helping you Achieve your Goals and Unleash your untapped potential. Learn Cutting Edge Strategies and get your FREE ebook at

Jill Koenig - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

6 Things My Millionaire Mentor Taught Me

There will be 10 million NEW millionaires over the next 10 years according to Paul Zane Pilzer our nation's foremost economist and financial forecaster. So the life changing question is , "Will you be one of them?" Earning millions of dollars no longer has to be ONLY a dream; it can be your reality.

Many people are cashing in on today's truths. And so am I. I have the privilege of mentorship and exposure to one of the greatest wealth coaches. My millionaire mentor Myron Golden has not only taught me life changing principles he has shown me how to implement them. If you are ready to be the next millionaire then take a further read.

1. Start changing the way you think. Your mind generates wealth or poverty. As my millionaire mentor says "Poor people are not poor because they have no money, poor people are poor because they are (mentality) poor."

2. Understand how money works. If you do not understand financial principles, then those principles are being used against you by people who do understand them. Lack of knowledge about how most financial principles work will keep you in poverty.

3. Manage your money as a millionaire. A money management system is an important factor in becoming rich. Don't wait to become rich to start managing your money-start now with Myron's CAN system.

4. Stop trading time for money. The reason people work for money is because they believe time is money. Millionaires know that time is not money. You can always get more money; but you can't always get more time.

5. Find a business that is hands free. Passive and residual money is an ultimate avenue to becoming a millionaire. Millionaires own business systems. They let their business give them time and money freedom.

6. Find a treasure guide who has already found the treasure. Take financial advice from people who are millionaires. Find a guide who has already found the millionaire treasure, allow him or her to take you by the hand and lead you to where it is.

The next millionaires are in progress because millionaire coaches are leading them. The coaches are not just limited to mentorship they can become friends.

A recent survey conducted determined your income is the average of your friends' income. Isn't time to get some new friends? Myron Golden is the author of "From The Trash Man To The Cash Man: How Anyone Can Get Rich Starting From Anywhere

Vanessa Lewis is a mom-preneur empowering stay-at-home-moms to live out their entrepreneurial dreams.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Best Reason for Learning How To Become A Millionaire

Why should you strive to learn how to become a millionaire?

Why should you develop the millionaire mindset?

For money? For attention?

Well here's a powerful reason that's worth your
time to consider....

You see, in a recent interview with multi-millionaire
Jim Rohn (Anthony Robbins' original mentor) he
mentioned what he feels is the best reason for
learning how to become a millionaire.

Here's what Jim Rohn said in the interview...

"Set a goal to become a millionaire for what it makes
of you to achieve it."

Then Jim Rohn went on to talk about his own mentor.
A man with a true millionaire mindset.

Jim continued...

"My own mentor, Mr. Schoaff, had an interesting way
of teaching it. When I was 25 years old he said to me,
'I suggest, Jim, that you set a goal to become a
millionaire.' I was all intrigued by that. You know,
it's got a nice ring to it - millionaire.

Then Mr. Shoaff said, 'Here's why.'

"I thought to myself, 'gosh, he doesn't need to teach
me why. Wouldn't it be great to have a million dollars?'

Then Shoaff said, "No. Then you'll never acquire it.
Instead, set a goal to become millionaire for what it
makes of you to achieve it."

"Do it for the skills you have to learn and the person
you have to become. Do it for what you'll end up
knowing about the marketplace. What you'll learn about
the management of time and working with people. Do it
for the ability of discovering how to keep your ego in
check. For what you have to learn about being benevolent.
Being kind as well as being strong. What you have to
learn about society and business and government and
taxes and becoming an accomplished person to reach the
status of millionaire."

"All that you have learned and all that you've become
to reach the status of millionaire is what's valuable.
Not the million dollars."

Jim Rohn mentioned a bunch of amazing things during this
interview. But, this lesson really stands out as advice
we should all follow.

In fact, Jim Rohn wasn't the only millionaire who agrees
with the power of this lesson. Chicken Soup for the Soul
co-author, Jack Canfield gave the same lesson in an
interview with him.

Jack said, "It doesn't make a lot of difference to become
a millionaire. I've done that many times over and I can
tell you that it's nice to have a house and a car that
doesn't fall apart and all that."

"But, what's more important is who did I have to become
in order to become a millionaire?"

"I had to learn how to overcome my fears. I had to learn
how to talk in front of groups. I had to learn how to
plan a speech. I had to learn how to ask people I was
initially afraid of to loan me money, etc."

"All of that was scary. But, when I did it and survived
it, I was no longer afraid to do it in the future. Now
you can take away my house, my money, my car and
everything, and it wouldn't matter. I know how to create
more of those things because of who I've become NOT what
I possess."

The powerful lessons taught by the millionaires in these
interviews is priceless.

Jason Oman is the author of #1 best-selling Conversations with Millionaires. As well as being the President of Money Systems Technologies, a marketing firm that focuses on book marketing, author publicity and writing resources. Jason is an author's strategist specializing in helping clients achieve their goals of becoming a best selling author. For more information and free book writing secrets, sign up for Jason's newsletter at Get information on Jason's next best seller at

Jason Oman - EzineArticles Expert Author