Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Big Dreams

I would like to talk a little about your dreams, the big dreams, the dreams you had when you were 15 years old, 18 years old, or 20 years old. Do you know what I see?

I see people give up on their dreams, the big dreams, and it seems the older we get, the more we give up on our dreams. Try to talk to any 15 year old kids and they know that they are going to have a great car, a great house, a wonderful spouse when they will grow up. They know they are going to be rich, successful, they know they can be an astronauts or a football stars or a rock stars. There is no limit to what they can dream and they have very big dreams.

So, what happens along their way?

They go to school and college to get some education and when they get out they are twenty one years old, they get a job they don't really want, it's not their dream job but it allows them to survive. After few years they meet someone and get married and all of a sudden there is a baby and another baby and there are diapers and more expanses, so they look for another job for the extra money.

And all of a sudden you are 35 years old, 45 years old, 55 years old and you forgot your big dreams! My friend, It's time to wake up, don't give up on your big dreams. You can do it, the only thing that you need is to believe in you.

You are great and you can achieve everything you can imagine.Most people fail in life not because they aim to high and missed, but because they aim to low and hit! And many even not aim at all!

I encourage you to write down your big dreams, put the list in a place where can you see it every day and make the next small steps towards it.Please don't ask yourself: "How am I going to do it", The HOW is none of your business. Just focus on the next small step.

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